Discovering Your Best Self Through Mind, Body & Nutrition

Better known as AngoSwede.

As a renowned fitness trainer and accomplished motivational speaker, she is recognized for her burning passion to empowering women globally to achieve their fitness aspirations!

  • Early Beginnings: born in Angola on June 20, 1985, Ivone's early life was steeped in the country's vibrant yet challenging environment. Despite facing the realities of poverty and hunger, these experiences were pivotal in shaping her resilient character. A significant transition occurred with her move to Sweden, an environment that, while initially unfamiliar, offered a myriad of new experiences and challenges.

    At 20, Ivone moved to Washington D.C., a decision that marked a new phase in her life. She spent 14 years there, shaping both her accountant path, showcased her love and dedication as a bikini competitor and personal growth.

  • Fitness Career: Over 13 years as a NASM certified fitness trainer, Ivone's expertise extends beyond the gym. She is renowned for tailoring fitness routines to various environments, making workouts accessible to everyone. This commitment stems from the impact fitness has had on her life.

    Fast forward , today she has become a celebrated fitness coach. Her substantial social media presence, with over 1.2 million followers across Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, highlights her influence and popularity.

  • Launching a Fitness App: Ivone's journey, driven by a passion for helping others achieve their health and fitness goals, has now led to the launch of her own fitness app. This venture reflects her commitment to making fitness widely accessible and her desire to have a broader impact on the community.

Ivone Ekman's story, is one of cultural diversity, personal transformation, and a relentless pursuit of her passion.

Push to Play Music

Ivone Ekman

Yet, beyond these remarkable accomplishments lies something even more extraordinary – her role as a mother. Ivone has brought into this world the most wonderful little boy, a dream, the purest form of joy and wonder. This little miracle has enriched our lives immeasurably!

To Ivone, the most wonderful woman in the world, your presence is a blessing beyond words. You've given the gift of love and life, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts. Thank you for being part of our life, for every moment shared, and every memory cherished.

With all my love,